Put down your phone

And pick up your life

Put down your phone

And pick up your life

Live With Intention

It is probably your most valuable and valued possession — you sleep with it, stroke it, absent mindedly retrieve it and fiddle with it constantly as this wondrous and powerful device takes over your entire existence. Put down your phone and face life head on with intent of seeing the world through the most authentic lens of all – your own eyes. Life is really more than just an abundance of complex applications that seemingly take over every avenue of life. We are asking each of you to simply put the phone down, for a few minutes each day, and let the moments of life soak into your soul. Complete a conversation or an activity without any interruption. Enjoy the company around you and appreciate your surroundings. Our time on this earth is precious and we need to be present – pick your head up and let the world see your eyes!

Photo of a cell phone on concrete
Photo of canvas shoes
Man in a Life is not an App t-shirt
Photo of friends having fun

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